发布时间:2022-07-08 22:22:49
How is Tom?
A)He has a bad cold.
B)He has a headache.
C)His leg is hur陕西小孩癫痫病治疗ting.
D)We don‘t know.
What is the girl going to do this Sunday afterrcon?
癫痫病人发病的诱因 A)Go to the Children‘s Centre with the boy.
B)See Mary‘ s nephew.
C)Take care of Tom十几岁发现的癫痫一般属于遗传性吗?.
D)See her mother‘s nephew.
Where is the boy going?
A)The Children‘s Pala癫痫抽完之后浑身发抖ce.
B)The Children‘s Centre.
C)The hospital.
D)Her nephew‘s.